“Here at Vape Vista in Portland Oregon, we aspire to shift away from a traditional Vape Shop. We focus on palatable flavor profiles for our products, directly inputed by our beloved customers. Any questions you have, we always do our very best to make sure your questions are answered. Our exceptional knowledge, integrity and customer service are what sets us apart, making us the most premium vape shop in town. We pride ourselves in carrying top notch, hard to find, quality supplies. If you are looking for something unique, we are your spot. Products: Elf Bar, Kang Vape, Daze Egge, Air Bar, Hyde, Flum, Nic5, MR FOG, Swft MOD, Draco, BOBO, Lucid Air, Coastal Clouds, Pod Juice, MiPod Pro # Portland, Gresham, Beavorton, Hillsboro, Vancouver”