Cigars have been symbols of celebration, victory, success, and prestige throughout history. The Smokey Cigar brings an environment worthy of such revelry to our location in Hendersonville, TN. Our mission is to provide a relaxing, fun, and comfortable atmosphere for the cigar aficionado.
The Smokey Cigar is a prestigious, stylish lounge where anyone can select cigars from our more than 1000 facings and enjoy it in comfort. Our lounges are designed to cater to the first time cigar smoker as well as the savvy-minded cigar expert. The lounges offer folks from all walks of life the opportunity to work or play in relative comfort.
Our lounge features a 400 sq. foot walk-in humidor, top-quality accessories and personal humidors, private cigar storage in our lockers, and other products and services for cigar lovers and their friends. Our state-of-the-art ventilation systems, comfortable leather chairs and high definition televisions create an experience like no other in Middle Tennessee.
We invite you to stop by The Smokey Cigar and enjoy your favorite cigar while watching your favorite events on our 133” HD-TV or any of our surrounding 48” HD-TVs. We frequently host special events, live music, and many other exciting activities for our friends and customers.