
Welcome to La Casa, a cigar retailer and a home of elegant and cozy cigar lounges located in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Las Vegas. We offer a diverse selection of excellent cigars featuring a complete line of most prominent brands that we specially select from all over the world. Stop by one of our beautiful lounges and share the joy of cigar smoking with other connoisseurs to the sounds of live music or over a drink of your choice. In addition, we would like to invite you to our signature private cigar club; a members-only area where true cigar aficionados taste the latest cigar arrivals, mingle, and enjoy such luxuries as private lockers-humidors, special offers and cigar dinners.

Thus, whether a connoisseur or beginner cigar smoker, your cigar is waiting for you! We welcome all our members and non-members to all of our current locations in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Las Vegas. Come and share the passion for cigars and experience a new meaning of “Mi Casa Es Su Casa” with us, at La Casa!

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