Provide a place where our customers (you) feel so comfortable that you do not think of us a cigar lounge, just a place where you can relax with your favorite cigar, and your favorite drink of choice. You can meet with old friends or make new ones. Cigar smokers as you know are a whole different breed of folks and ones that we happen to like!
We receive our cigars fresh directly from the manufactures. To maintain freshness when received the cigars are immediately placed in a properly controlled environment.
Have you ever wondered why cigars ordered from on-line retailers taste bad? Well, the two basic primary ingredients in a cigar are tobacco and water. The leaves that make up a cigar are humidified, because moisture is integral to any handmade premium cigar, and must be maintained up until the moment you smoke it. When a cigar is dried out, its construction, taste, and consistency are negatively impacted. A similar result will also occur if a cigar is over-humidified. When humidity is deficient, a cigar’s tobacco will crack and crackle and can burn dry, hot, and very quickly – a bitter experience the blender certainly did not intend. Conversely, cigars that are over-humidified will feel and taste soggy, have a tendency to burn out, and can be plugged or exhibit a constrictive draw. Over-humidified cigars also have a higher propensity to develop mold. Additionally, rapid changes in humidity and temperature can cause a cigar’s wrapper to split. Therefore, it It is typically beneficial to let cigars rest for a week or so in your humidor to allow them to recover from their journey before smoking.